Thursday, July 10, 2008

Dickerson 8014

My next rod I hope to construct is going to be a Dickerson 8014. From all I can gather about this rod, it is a power house. I have heard some say it will punch a 6wt line through the wind like number six Clouser punches through your ear lobe on a bad, wind stricken cast.

If any one has an intrest in a Dickerson 8014 hand crafted bamboo fly rod, please contact me through one of the contact links on the left hand side of the page.



Anonymous said...

I own a rod built on an 8014 Guide Special taper. Very powerful, but not exactly the most pleasant rod ever built.

Then again, if you haven't built a Dickerson, it's something you should probably do... 8-)

If you're up for a 3-pc rod, consider a Payne Canadian Canoe, which is an 8.5 6/7 that truly fishes beautifully.

Matthew said...

Thanks for the suggesting the Payne Canadian Canoe. I was planing to build the Dickerson 8014 for my trip to Florida, but I ran out of time.